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About me

Let me introduce myself

A bit about me

There's nothing wrong about dreaming, keep dreaming as high as the sky coz when you fall, you fall upon the stars.

I'm Ax, the guy who challenged Student Council in my middle school life, the guy whose earned 3 times Shorty Awards Shortlist for Young Creative Person and previously called "the worst director ever" :v i never say "i was wrong" you know why? because i never wrong. Fuck this world. I never wrong.


Axelrod Davny

Personal info

Axelrod Davny

Hello, i'm Ax. Currently managing the Dazrekt Production team and previously the CEO of AGX Network ((:

Birthday: 7 FEB 2001
Phone number: +(62) 812 9826 6468
Website: www.axl7.xyz
E-mail: gracello.yeshua@gmail.com


Know more about my past


  • 2016-2017

    98 Media Division @ Vice President and Content Director

    Losing 1 point from Alexandro, in late 2016, Ax held the position again for second terms. His leadership was a big success and a massive boost to the team.

  • 2014-2015

    Rohkris SMPN 103 @ President

    His first Easter celebration in 103 was a massive boost for his campaign. His "easy going" leadership run well with the organization.

  • 2014-2016

    PT. NET Mediatama Televisi @ Junior Research Supervisor

    In 2014, he was the youngest TV supervisor.


  • 2018

    University of Indonesia Faculty of International Relations


  • 2015-2018

    SMAN 98 JAKARTA @ graduated


  • 2012-2015

    SMPN 103 JAKARTA SSN @ graduated

    Just in 3 years, he proved himself as one of the best graduate..

  • 2006-2012

    SDK IGN SLAMET RIYADI 1 @ graduated


Skills & Things about me

Movie Director & Show Director
Graphic Designer
Currently writing for HiFive Magz


My latest projects

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

It's my Birthday!

It's my Birthday!

00:00. Happy 15th Birthday, Cel!

15/ Usia yang belom tua banget tapi akhir masa2 childish gua. Dan gua paham juga usia ini adalah awal dari langkah besar di tahun yang akan hadir. There is sooooo mucchhh trouble im facing that era, tapi karena masalah2 itu lah gua bisa maju untuk lebih banyak berbicara, dan pengen nge-bacotin orang ttg pendapat mereka.

Dlm usiaku ke-15 ini (
2 tahun lagi menuju Sweet 17, yay!), Aku pengen bisa diterima semua orang, ga kaya gini lagi, bisa bahagiain Orang Tua, berubah, makin pinter, dan pengen terus ngomong ttg hal2 positif yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi dan ide buat orang lain, bisa ngasih karya-karya terbaik. Siap-siap ke usia yang penuh petualangan dan aku benar-benar ga sabar untuk menikmati nya. Tahun ini, Tuhan bener-bener menemani 365 hari gua, dan I can't wait untuk jalan bareng Tuhan lagi, tahun ini, untuk hadapin tantangan baru, hidup yang bakal lebih seru lagi starting from today!
Semoga di usia ini, aku bisa nambah pengalaman, bisa jadi inspirasi, dan bisa nambah temen2 yg lebih gaul parah, dan juga bisa kembali ke era2 bahagia SMP dulu yg have fun abis ahahaha
May God hear my wish, Amiiiin!!

Dah itu aja.
7 Februari 2016, 00.00 WIB. And happy 15th for me.


What can I do


Pengalaman saya yang cukup lama dalam dunia branding menjadikan saya salah satu dari pemenang Shorty Young Graphic Designer 2014.


Outstanding photo result and dope delivering to audience.

Graphic Design

Mahir dalam After Effects dan Photoshop, amat ceroboh memakai Illustrator -_-




Spending 2 years on Yamaha Music School sama sekali ga bisa buat gua jadi drummer beneran, tetep aja payah.


Already hosted the 2015 Kredok, 2014 Sega XIV, and the Pre Party of NET 2.0.


Get in touch with me


Cluster Sevilla D3/1 BSD City 15311 Serpong

Phone number

+(62) 812 9826 6468

